Reference: 978-1643247304
In spite of all the advances in the modern sciences mankind isstill grappling with multitude of problems. In fact with all the technological advances the problems faced by mankind have only increased. This is because mankind has not been able to understand its own existence.
In spite of all the advances in the modern sciences mankind isstill grappling with multitude of problems. In fact with all the technological advances the problems faced by mankind have only increased. This is because mankind has not been able to understand its own existence. Since thousands of years mankind has digressed from the real path. This path is now revealed in this book in two parts. Part I of this book exclusively deals with understanding our existence on this earth. This is also Self Realization, Atma Gyan or knowledge of the self. Within this existence and facing numerous problems then what is that one Formula using which an individual can lead a happy, prosperous and fulfilled life? This has been detailed in Part II of this book. This is also the path towards Supreme Intelligence. This is also the path to Moksha. This is the Sanatan Dharma or The Way of Life for Everyone and Forever.